Category Archives: Random

A Common Cause

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This picture could easily be confused with a regular Friday night of social gathering at a local restaurant. Look closer and you’ll notice a glue gun on the table and scissors and felt in our hands. What I see in this picture is community, collaborative work, a common cause, family, but mostly love. I see a group of people who when asked at the last minute to help with a special project said yes without hesitation.

Last Friday we worked into the night to make red rosettes out of felt for guests who would attend my husband’s grandmother’s memorial the next day.  I can say for a fact that not everyone pictured here would usually be found crafting on a Friday night, but a common idea, desire, or love can bring us together so quickly. In a short time we had 80 rosettes to bring a tiny dash of grandma’s favorite color to everyone who would celebrate her the next day. In times of great loss moments of closeness like this one are memories that will hopefully not easily escape us.

I highly recommend crafting in restaurants but more than that I recommend crafting in restaurants with those you love.

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Rosette Recipe
1. Gather some red and green felt, hot glue, glue gun, safety pins, hair clips, and some relatives or friends.
2. Ask your husband to cut out circles from the red felt. A container of Clorox wipes makes a great circle template.
3. Ask your artist brother-in-law to cut out leaves from the green felt. He should cut them out freehand because you don’t want to give an artist a template.
4. Cut each circle into a spiral.
5. Ask your sister-in-law to roll the spirals, secure them with hot glue, and then add a leaf with more hot glue.
6. Ask your mother-in-law to help with cutting more leaves. We need more leaves.
7. You should fill in wherever needed.
8. Everyone should laugh and talk as much as possible.
8. Drink beer. It makes crafting more fun.

Note: Above relatives can be substituted as desired.


How to Make Your Dreams Come True

Photo by Hanna Riley

Photo by Hanna Riley

Dreaming is vital. I’m not referring to slumbering dreams, I mean the dreams that keep us wanting more, big or small. Some would call these goals (boring!). I think calling them dreams is much more attractive. On the downside referring to goals as dreams can also make them seem unattainable, more like wishes. Can our dreams come true? I’m a firm believer that yes, we can make our dreams come true. Unfortunately many times we leave our dreams to linger in the bottom of our hearts, in dusty hidden notebooks, or lost in our brains in thoughts of yearning only to never have a chance to become reality. So, here it is, the big reveal.

Do this to make your dreams come true:

1. Figure out what you want. What is your dream?
2. Dream big, but set attainable milestones.
3. Don’t let fear get in your way. It has a pesky way of breeding.
4. Surround yourself with people who believe in you and support you. Leave those behind that get in your way.
5. Fall in love with your dream. Think about how powerful love is – it’s usually not easy to let go of something we love.
6. Refuse to take no for an answer. If after refusing to take no for an answer, it’s still a no—stand your ground and get creative.
7. Move from thinking to action. Everyone says action is what counts, so when you act you’re closing the gap between dream and reality.
8. Embrace the lessons that trip you. If something keeps knocking at your door, answer it. If a door keeps closing, find a different door. If you fail to embrace the lesson one of two things will happen, it will continue to disrupt you and get in the way of your dream, or you will have missed what could have been a grand opportunity.
9. Be more like the people you admire who have made their dreams come true.
10. Do one thing every day that brings you closer to realizing your dream.

As I sit here writing at a local breakfast place, I wonder what else needs to be added to the list. In my pondering I hear a song playing in the restaurant and it’s about making your dreams come true. What a goose bumpy lucky coincidence. It gives me an important item for the list.

11. Avoid using the word “fail.” It’s a yucky word. Instead substitute it with something like, “I’ve given myself another chance to try.”
12. Repeat.

Whatever your dream may be: starting a business, growing a vegetable garden, becoming healthier, learning to fly a plane, learning to believe in yourself, getting a job, creating social change, making art, living the life you want…the moment is now because as Eleanor Roosevelt so intelligently said, “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

Today is the day.

P.S. This does not apply if your dream is winning the lotto! That’s pure luck.