Category Archives: Life

Your Top Five?


In the midst of life’s journey it is easy to get lost in routine and habit. Sometimes those routines and habits include people. You may have heard before that we are the average of the five people with whom we choose to spend the most time.  Simple math. The psychology behind this is that we are greatly influenced by other people – emotionally and behaviorally, especially the five who consume most of our hours.  When we look at this in terms of what we want in life, or the type of life we want to live, happiness is often defined for us by those around us.  Do your ideas of the type of life you want to live or the things you’d like to accomplish match with your top five? Is there someone in your top five that may be holding you back? YOLO – it is important to choose wisely, strategically, and seek like mindedness because the journey has already started. If you’re looking for a change, feel stuck in rut, or feel that you’re not enjoying the journey, look for those that live the way you want to live and bring them into your life.

“If you do nothing unexpected, nothing unexpected happens.” – Fay Weldon


Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.              –Melody Beattie

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Tomorrow my micro business launches a new line of handmade dolls called Joan and Her Rad Friends™. I started working on this product earlier this year and throughout the process I found myself teetering between learning, struggling, wondering, fearing, hoping and often praying. There were times when I didn’t act on the product because fear is limiting.  I’ve never been more thankful for the people who showed up at the right time (and kept showing up), for those who cheered the loudest, those who believed in my project possibly more than I did, and those who showed endless care. I learned that the finished product is just as important as the process.  For me, this process has been one of personal growth. It reminded me of the importance of believing in people because, for me, having those believers made it a heck of a lot easier! Each time we give someone love, comfort, time, reassurance, ease, and laughter we give her or him hope. To those of you who have brought constant hope to me, thank you.