Category Archives: Sewing

Handmade 4th of July

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This week brought me two days off from work since the 4th of July was knocking on our door. It was the perfect time to make a new bag to celebrate the occasion. There is a quilt shop that I’ve been meaning to visit and this provided the perfect reason. At Flash Sew and Quilt I encountered a sea of beautiful fabrics. After much ado about color and print I left with a bag full fabric of drenched in stars, blues, and reds. Then I spent way too much time on Pinterest looking for inspiration and in the end decided to make something completely my own.

With the hum of the sewing machine in the background I thought about the holiday and I was reminded about how fortunate I am to live in a country that celebrates freedom.  My fortune started when my parents decided to make the US our home because they wanted a better life for me and their future children. I’m so glad that they love this country as much as I do.

Despite my wandering mind I managed to finish a crossbody bag that I’m looking forward to using not only on independence day but on many other days of the year. This is it:

Complete with convenient pocket on front.

Complete with convenient pocket on front.

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My first recessed zipper caused some apprehension but ended up being easier than I thought.

My first recessed zipper caused some apprehension but ended up being easier than I thought.

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I remember when zippers used to scare me.

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I can’t wait to fill it with my goodies!

I hope you find your own red, white, and blue on this Independence Day. Happy 4th of July from Twirling Tiny Sticks!

Thank God for Dirty Dishes

I woke up early yesterday to work on sewing projects planned out long ago. Although hours later a stack of organic napkins came together, the cutting table remained full with other heaps of cut fabric yearning to be put together to become “something.” I sighed at the thought of more work. My eyes must have veered downward because I saw that my once neat clothes were covered in threads and fabric dust, as is normal after sewing. Annoyed, I thought, “Ugh.” One more thing to do.

Then a memory fluttered through and snapped me out of my woes. That timely memory was of a woman I respect as much as the tallest mountains. I remembered her saying, “Thank God for dirty dishes.” Lucy, a social worker, mentor, and unsurpassed story-teller followed that statement by affirming, “If you have dirty dishes it means you’ve eaten.” Boy, does that change the perspective on what is usually a meaningless chore. The mess on my clothes was more than another task to be tacked on my to-do list. It meant I spent time doing what I love. How lucky am I? Very. Thank God for dirty dishes, threads, fabric dust and Lucy.